Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Iron Man Seven Inch Paper craft action figure

 This all began as a bunch of paper strips. 

But just use them with a little imagination and glue and you get an iron man (made of paper)

I will try to make the original avengers line up from the 1960s comics 

They were Iron Man, Thor, Ant Man and wasp. 

Please check out the pictures and video

Paper Mache of Base Figure
Iron Man Mark One 

Iron Man and Thor 
In seven inch scale

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Mighty Thor paper craft action figure

 Hello again paper crafter enthusiasts. I've recently ( just last night) finished my newest action figure. It's the Mighty Thor! The comics version that all marvel fans know and love

The Mighty Thor 

He is scaled to match the size of Macfarlane action figures. 

I'm planning to make Iron Man and Hulk based on their early appearance in the comic books. 

I used the basic articulation style 
that I usually use 

I am on a roll recently, completing three action figures in the span of a week. 
I hope to complete my Luke action figure in scale with the black series Mando soon

Please watch the YouTube video of the Mighty Thor! ( Link below)

Monday, November 25, 2024

Thundercats Papercraft Tygra


Here's my new MOTU style Papercraft of that Master of Camouflage, Tygra! 

He's roughly the height of my Lion O Papercraft figure. He looks good together with his fellow thundercats. 

I used that basic articulation that I usually use for this scale. Paper tube joints for the shoulders and arms. The joints of his hips are two tubes overlapping each other the make it narrow and in proportion to the paper mache shell. 

Please watch the video the see the assembly and the final look

Monday, November 18, 2024

The concept of Miniature Action Figure Models

This is a prototype of a miniature action figure paper craft model that I've been working on. It's meant to be Raiden from Metal Gear Guns of the Patriots. Despite it's small size, I was able to put a lot of articulation  into him to get into some dynamic poses. 

As can be seen in the pictures, he can get into some nifty action poses reminiscent of his moves in Metal Gear 4. 
Seeing that this proof of concept model works, I will try to make more of them. I will make a Gray Fox ninja model and Raiden the in his Black Ninja form

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Paper craft Lion O

I had a sudden inspiration to create a MOTU STYLE Thundercats. And who should it be but none other than their fearless leader 
Lion O. 

The final result was better than I expected. This model turned out solid and glossy. I did something different this time. I layered the paper mache shell with super glue resin and it made the material super rigid and the surface was smooth has a glossy look. 

It looks and feel like an actual action figure that you could play with instead of a fragile paper craft model

I think I will be using this method moving forward in my future models

Next up, I will be making an action figure of Hachiman, Jaga and maybe Cheetarah

Pictures and videos are attached. 

Claw shield

Right arm with sword of Omens

Torso and Head

Leg part

Lion o MOTU style

Lion O Disassembled 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Carrie Kelly paper and foam action figure

I have been working on a hybrid paper and foam clay action figure and I think the two media can be combined to make some great figures. Here is the first completed figure. Carrie Kelly or Robin from the Dark knight returns I will be making more figures in the future using a combination of the two medium (paper and foam clay) foam clay offers a versatility in sculpting and looks more natural when making humans and animal figures below are the pictures and a link to my YouTube channel

Friday, June 21, 2024

Prototype Rocket Angel No. 2.

I tried to miniaturize the joints of my latest female paper craft action figure. it was difficult to craft dur to the small size and fragility of the medium I am working with. However, with a little patience, really narrow paper strips and glue, I think I finally made the figure aa close to how I envisioned it in my head. Please watch the video for more details I am planning to make an entire squad of these little ladies, equipped with rocket packs and weapons. who knows, maybe a few female warriors from the war hammer Sororitas Sisters of Battle.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Miniature MGS 4 Action Figure White Raiden

I seem to have been bitten by the MGS again. I suddenly had the impulse to make and customize miniature action figures of MGS figures. At first I just made custom head sculpts of Big Boss and Solid Snake. I then fitted them on generic 2.5 inch soldier bodies that I bought online and Presto! instant MGS mini figures. the potential for customization and display option for this scale is boundless. I can make a papercraft model of Metal Gear rex to scale with them. I have dozens of generic soldiers in the same scale that I could customize to form Big Boss's MSF army from MGS Peace walker. for Raiden, maybe I will make miniature versions of Jet Stream Sam from Revengence. anyway, please enjoy the photos below and check out the videos from my you tube channel.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Metal Gear Minis ( Miniature Action Figures)

These are custome action figures with the head sculpts of Big Boss and Solid Snake made from Foam Clay they are made to scale with 2.7 inch action figures. I have a plan to make a custom diorama and table top game of metal gear peace walker. Just imagine the fun of playing with articulated miniature scaled figures of metal gear characters, with scaled vehicles, bases and metal gear mechs! please check out the video and pictures below

Raiden White version 7 inch scale paper action figure

This is my newest version of Raiden. I took inspiration from his look in MGS 4. I sculpted his head from foam clay and his body from paper mache. The seven inch scale is very convenient to work with. it doesn't occupy too much space and it still looks great on a display. Raiden is a great addition to my existing custom figures of Big Boss and Solid Snake check out the you tube video ( link below) here are some pictures of Raiden in various poses

Shield Hero mini paper craft action figure

Hello friends its been a while but I finally got some things done. this is my miniature version of Shield Hero. He is made of paper and foam clay and is fully articulated despite his size (2.7 inches) I really started to enjoy miniature action figures. It opens the possibility of creating dioramas and set pieces that would be difficult to make with larger scaled action figures. please check out the link below for the you tube video