Friday, February 7, 2020

Paper Craft Action Figures 

My Paper Craft Action figures started as scrap pieces of paper. Some old elementary books that my kids have outgrown, old newspapers, grocery flyers and other paper sources that would normally end up in the trash

 Since I was very young, I always wanted to make my own action figures and experimented with paper mache way back in my high school days in the 80s. I made some action figures back then but I was always dissatisfied with the way they look. I could never get the face right or the articulation was really bad.

This hobby stuck with me and I indulged in it whenever I could off and on throughout these years until finally a few years ago, I saw some very good paper crafters on you tube and I said to myself, that I just have to give this hobby of mine another try. I went back to the very first method that I tried in high school, that of making a paper mache shell of a base figure and then molding a head sculpt out of paper of character that I wanted to make.

I then add paper joints to the paper mache shell just like in the picture on the right

 These are the legs of the model that I am making

The Paper Mache Shell to be joined
by my "Chain Link"joints


shoulder joints 

The upper body of the figure is shown here  with the upper arms being fitted 

left shoulder

Partially completed upper body

Waist and upper Legs 

Here, the lower torso is being assembled.
Here He Stands 

 I really like it when the figure finally stands. After the shell and joints are put together, I can get to the fun part.

Painting and Decorating....

You might have an idea
now who is the figure going to be 

Almost There 

Almost There 

the Boots Done 

Right Gauntlet attached

Helmet Done 

Close Up of the Helmet

Needs Shoulder Rings 

Left Gauntlet

Here He Stands, The Iron Avenger!

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