Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Iron Man Seven Inch Paper craft action figure

 This all began as a bunch of paper strips. 

But just use them with a little imagination and glue and you get an iron man (made of paper)

I will try to make the original avengers line up from the 1960s comics 

They were Iron Man, Thor, Ant Man and wasp. 

Please check out the pictures and video

Paper Mache of Base Figure
Iron Man Mark One 

Iron Man and Thor 
In seven inch scale

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Mighty Thor paper craft action figure

 Hello again paper crafter enthusiasts. I've recently ( just last night) finished my newest action figure. It's the Mighty Thor! The comics version that all marvel fans know and love

The Mighty Thor 

He is scaled to match the size of Macfarlane action figures. 

I'm planning to make Iron Man and Hulk based on their early appearance in the comic books. 

I used the basic articulation style 
that I usually use 

I am on a roll recently, completing three action figures in the span of a week. 
I hope to complete my Luke action figure in scale with the black series Mando soon

Please watch the YouTube video of the Mighty Thor! ( Link below)